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Envision Blog

Articles for Thought and Inspiration
Improve Your Performance Like an Olympic Athlete

Improve Your Performance Like an Olympic Athlete

Search Google for Olympic athletes who use visualization and more than 700,000 results will pop up. Elite athletes use imagery to hear the audience, feel the wind, imagine past successes, and program success for future events. They feel every turn on the bobsled, every move by an opponent, every dive, every part of the gymnastic routine. They hear the roar of the audience. They imagine every step to receiving the medal and the weight of it around their necks.

The Room

The Room

I have a room where I have put my deceased mother’s things along with my grown daughters’ artworks, grades, photos, and clothes. It contains my dad’s bowling scores carefully recorded in a notebook from 1953 until 2015 and a book of his poetry. Photos in frames, some broken, some not. I go in there sometimes and find a memory to enjoy.

Realize Your Dream in 30 Minutes a Day

Realize Your Dream in 30 Minutes a Day

You have a dream of writing a book, traveling the world, running a marathon, enjoying an extraordinary retirement, losing those 20 pounds or something equally audacious. Think about it, what is that niggling idea that keeps popping up in your head? Big goals can seem...

Embrace Your Extraordinary Life

Embrace Your Extraordinary Life

Sunset in Apulia, Portugal How was your 2022? Reflect on your accomplishments, relationships, and personal growth. Celebrate! You envisioned the possibilities and chose the life you now enjoy. Did you choose an ordinary or an extraordinary life? What is the difference...

Aligning People with Purpose

Aligning People with Purpose

People who work for values and mission driven organizations are more committed and more likely to use discretionary time to achieve the organization's priorities, are more likely to stay at the organization, and productivity increases. Encourage employees to identify...

Whatever Your Age or Stage

Whatever Your Age or Stage

“Your boldest dreams are God’s invitation to the greatest adventure of your life and they come to you because they  are for you. Your dreams are placed in your soul as a pathway to releasing your potential and awakening your  purpose for being. ”  Whatever your age or...

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!