How Do You Create a Vision?

How Do You Create a Vision?

Sometimes the vision grabs you. It is that incessant idea that begs for attention or the still small voice of wisdom within. Sometimes, an event might trigger your vision. During a middle school retreat, Kenneth dreamed of being a missionary in Mexico and went on to...
Saying Yes to Walking the Camino de Santiago

Saying Yes to Walking the Camino de Santiago

I have a dream list and I am ready to say yes to whatever is on my list! Be Prepared to Say Yes I have a dream list and I am ready to say yes to whatever is on it! In April 2022, my friend Teri, invited me to join her on the Camino de Santiago in September and I was...
Embrace Your Extraordinary Life

Embrace Your Extraordinary Life

Sunset in Apulia, Portugal How was your 2022? Reflect on your accomplishments, relationships, and personal growth. Celebrate! You envisioned the possibilities and chose the life you now enjoy. Did you choose an ordinary or an extraordinary life? What is the difference...